Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thursday Nov. 1st- Wed. Nov. 7th

Wednesday October 31st (evening)
After emailing last week I want to the Harlem Chapel and met up with other missionaries for a multi-zone halloween party! It was a lot of fun =)
We bobbed for donuts and later for apples!

Thursday November 1st
I got a birthday card from CJ.
We went with the elders to visit Bro. Keeits. He is an older man in their ward that has been in the hospital for a while.  He is so funny. He is a black man with a burning testimony of the restored gospel. He had this question impressed upon his heart earlier by the spirit and he shared it with us to ponder..."What else can God do to get man's attention?"
It was really great to hear Bro. Keeits testimony and his confidence in knowing that the Lord is in charge. This was a hard day for me. I was feeling weighed down with the weight of the tragedy that had taken place in so many people's lives. Furthermore, it was hard to get around the city, I wanted to help and I didn't have any way to use my energy and serve. Our area really wasn't affected very much and we'd been searching for opportunities but hadn't found any yet.
The Elders gave Sister Maldarizzi and I doughnuts in honor of my birthday =)

Friday Nov. 2nd
The Chinese sisters who were staying with us for a few days taught us some cool phrases =)  I would try to type them but I would butcher them.

Saturday Nov. 3rd
We went to the Lincoln Center Chapel (Manhattan Temple) and helped with a stake service project.
They were putting together supplies to take to shelters throughout the city. I got to use my crafty skills and create uplifting cards.

That night we finally had a lesson with a student Sister Maldarizzi had contacted a month a go and it was so great to teach! It had been a week and two days since we had taught a sit down lesson. I felt the spirit that comes from teaching the gospel to another and it was so refreshing.
It became how clear I love teaching the gospel and answering questions. Not to mention how hard it is when you are not teaching anyone. Previously we had been blessed to have a nice rhythm going with our teaching. We were staying busy here in Harlem but the hurricane really stopped everything. It was really unsettling and hard to not have much happening with our schedule.  

After our lesson Saturday night we went to pinkberry! They have a new flavor-CHOCOLATE HaZELnut 
it is a beautiful thing!
This week has been soooooooo long because of all the adjustments to life after the storm.

Sunday Nov. 4th
Church was really refreshing. We had an awesome fast and testimony meeting! Everyone who spoke had experienced a strong faith building experience and had an opportunity to slow down because of the storm.  There was also a general sense of gratitude for the fact that each one had felt Heavenly Father's love and awareness of them personally.
In gospel principles (chapter 22 I believe lol) we read about gifts of the spirit. This topic is of particular interest to me right now.
We had dinner with some great members and talked about being bold in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We watched the CES Fireside at the Lincoln Center Chapel.  I really enjoyed it. It was about becoming who we are meant to be. I loved the Lion King reference =)
Check it out at
We are the Architects of Our Own Happiness Bishop Gérald Caussé

Monday Nov. 5th
We got "juked" (stood up)
This happens a lot on the mission. Usually you don't go more than a few days without someone not coming to an appointment without letting you know they wont make it. We had gone 6 weeks without this happening! That is impressive =) We didn't mind. 
This is the first day I realized how cold it was getting! I was dying =P

That night we had a great lesson with a new investigator that some of the other missionaries told us about. His name is Andy and he is hilarious! One of the members of our ward came to the lesson. Andy is ready to see what the gospel is all about by seeking the Lord through scripture study, prayer, and church attendance, and that is one of the most exciting things as a missionary!. I love teaching others about the restored gospel and helping them in the process of gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith as a prophet, the priesthood authority, and the DOCTRINE OF CHRIST (faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.) 
I love feeling the spirit testify to me as I testify to others that these things really are true! 
I know that if we seek Heavenly Father with a sincere desire to know if this is his church, if the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and/or if Joseph Smith was called as a prophet- and then are willing to act, we can receive an answer through the Holy Ghost. It is not easy. Satan will put doubts in your mind. You will face obstacles, but if you are persistent you can know that God it real. He loves you. He thinks about you all day every day. He cares about everything you go through. He sent his son Jesus Christ to atone for the world so that you could be forgiven of your sins, AND TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO RISE ABOVE WHAT WE ARE NOT CAPABLE OF OURSELVES. 
"Christ doesn't just make up the difference. He makes all the difference." -Brad Wilcox
I recommend everyone reads The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox! It has really shaped my understanding of the atonement. It is a remarkable book.

I received a letter from my mom, a birthday package from Mica, and a birthday package from Tristan! Thank you!!! I loved them =) I am writing each of you back. In the mean time just know I received your presents and they were a perfect way to end the evening. THANK YOU!

Tuesday Nov. 6th
We had breakfast with our zone North Man(hattan) It was a blast! We had chocolate chips waffles and pancakes. We brought strawberries and bananas for toppings.

We went to the chapel for a lesson with an investigator who is Muslim and we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon in Arabic. He is very nice and has a great relationship with God. It was an interesting lesson because it was focused a lot on who Jesus Christ is to us.  I personally didn't know how to guide the lesson in a way that he needed, but the spirit did =) We were able to simply share from our heart. It was really cool. He is excited to read the Book of Mormon.

Today Wed. Nov. 7th

We were up in the Bronx earlier for Transfers.
Elder Richards and a lot of other missionaries I know are going home!
We came back down to Manhattan with some elders that I've served around. We went and got some pizza at "Two Bros" which is always good =) Two slices of cheese pizza and a can of soda for $2.50
Then Sister Maldarizzi and I went thrift shopping for some cute clothes and we also bought some better tights. Winter is here my friends! It is ridiculous! 
hahah I guess I will learn to adjust. It is absolutely crazy though.

Tomorrow is my 9 month mark! 
That is unreal to me.

I love you with all my heart!

Sister Emily Johnson

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