Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thursday December 27th 2012 - Wednesday January 2nd 2013

Hello my lovely friends and family!
I haven't emailed you all year!  haha


Can you believe it's the year 2013?! 
I must be getting old or something. lol

Thursday December 27th 2012 - Wednesday January 2nd 2013

Weekly Report:
Thursday Dec. 27th.
Sister Asregadoo was still sick so we rescheduled our appointments. Our District Leader Elder Conlon and his companion Elder Lee came by to give Sister A. a blessing.  Elder Lee who is now in his second transfer (8 weeks into the field) had never given a blessing before. Sister A. asked Elder Lee if he would give her the blessing. Hewas so nervous! He did a wonderful job though. I could tell he really sought heavenly father's help in knowing what to say in his prayer.
  I talked Elder Stratton into bringing us frosties from Wendys because it was the nice thing to do! haha

Friday Dec. 28th.
We had a wonderful lesson with Brendan! He is such a joy to teach.  I can always count on laughing when we teach him because our sense of humor lines up well.  We reviewed 2 Nephi 9 with him and also discussed the Plan of Salvation. Later in the day I was able to call some potential investigators I had contacted previously and set up appointments.  Both potential investigators are for the elders.  I feel very happy when I am able to help other missionaries with the work =)  We had pizza for dinner.  I love the pizza here in NY. I could eat it every day!

Saturday Dec. 29th.
Our investigator Luis got baptized in Los Vegas! I'm so happy for him! He was the one who already knew so much about the church because his girlfriend is a member, he took a class about the church at Columbia that was taught by two LDS members/scholars., he'd been going to institute and church.  It was neat teaching him because he already knew so much but we were able to review the basic teachings (doctrine) of the gospel that are fundamental to having a testimony that this is the restored church of Jesus Christ.  Furthermore, allowing that testimony lead to him feeling confident in his decision to get baptized and make a covenant with Heavenly Father thathe will follow the example of Jesus Christ and keep his commandments.  It's great to see people you teach and care about make that step forward no matter where they actually get baptized.
Random fact: It would have been my Grandma Johnson's 93rd birthday 
As for missionary work here iNew York  we spent the majority of the day with older members from the Harlem 1st Family Ward
Bro Keitt had Sis. A. and I help him make potato pancakes! YES THAT'S RIGHT, POTATO PANCAKES!  I even ate some! If I learn anything else from my mission, at least I am learning how to not be a picky eater! haha

Sunday Dec. 30th.
It was VERY WIND AND COLD!!! Besides that it was a lovely day at church. It was the last time our ward (Harlem YSA) was meeting at 1p.m. Starting in the new year we will be meeting at 9am! I used to think 9:30am was rough in the Bronx and we only lived 15 minutes from the church lol.
We had a quick dinner with some members after church. Then we hurried back to the church to join a lesson with the elders for one of the contacts/potentials I mentioned on Friday. After that we joined the spanish missionaries for dinner with Mamma Daisy. She is a lovely woman from the Harlem 2nd ward that loves having all the missionaries over.

Monday Dec. 31st.
We went to District Meeting at normal.  Elder Lee taught our district a great lesson on developing the Love, Charity, and Service and understanding the way the three of those work together in missionary service.  After DM we found out from one of our zone leaders that Sister Asregadoo was going to be part of an ET (EMERGENCY TRANSFER) and Sister Lavaki was going to come and join me here. This is the area Sister Lavaki started her mission! This news interrupted our plans for the day. We headed straight home to pack up all of Sister Asregadoos things in one hour so we could meet the others sisters in Kingsbridge by 5pm. Considering it was New Years Eve they wanted us in by 6pm that night.
It was so annoying to having the two of us transporting most of her very heavy bags. It took us three trains, 3 elevators and a some stairs. But I sucked it up and just did it with a smile on my face because if it were me getting transferred I would want the help too. It actually reminded me a lot of when I got snowed in over Christmas break in London and I had to man handle all my heavy luggage to and from the airport three or so times as I tried to get a flight home.
Eventually I switched companions at the Kingsbridge Chapel and Sister Lavaki and I have been partying it up every since =)
I'm happy to be with another Tongan companion! She's crazy and I am thrilled =) Also because this was her area before we can get right to work.
She's a hard worker and has a bubbly personality.
We had Chinese food with the other sisters in our apartment (Woo and Broderick) and discussed how we have grown this past year.
I slept really well that night despite the noise because of how tired my arms were from the move lol

Tuesday Jan. 1st 2013

I love starting a new year! It always so exciting to me =)
We had lunch with the Assistants (Elder Fusco and Elder Hutchins) after they brought Sister Lavaki her things that she had left in her apartment during the move. She only brought what she needed for one night. Which I was grateful for yesterday since I was so tired.
We met with Alex Kim, the ward mission leader, and discussed the work and talked about ways we can improve or things we needed help with.  I enjoy coming together on a regular basis and talking about the work because we can set goals and track our progress.
We spent the rest of the evening unpacking, deep cleaning (inspections are coming up where they come check and see if we keep our apartment clean), andreorganizing our lives after Christmas, unexpected transfers, etc.

Today Wed. Jan. 2nd
Sister Lavaki and I share clothes, scarfs, etc. and it's so nice! My wardrobe is expanding! It hasn't been like this since Sister Ortega was in the mission and I could borrow her clothes lol. Also Sister Lavaki is very clean and organized like me. I am excited for the extra spirit and peace I can feel when my environment is clean and organized.  

I'm learning so much and I know there is still much more growth waiting for me in the next months. I'm almost on the final stretch of my mission!
I've been told that with the number of incoming missionaries my finish date of the mission could be July 31st! That sounds so much sooner thaAugust! 

I love you! I pray the Lord is teaching you the cool thingHe is teaching me! haha because I'll want to talk about the things I learn when I return home from the mission.

Sister Emily Johnson

upcoming: tomorrow we have three lessons planned =)

pictures to correspond with this week!

It was so cold!
i'm making potato pancakes and bro keitt gave me a halo!
This is Sister Lavaki

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